In place of the printed readings, I'd like to jump to some meditations on some forms of "practical" tourism, since we are proposing some tours of our own (even if just amongst ourselves). There have been many efforts to mobilize tourism in instrumental ways, what Dean MacCannell has taken to calling "moral tourism," and you may have heard of several variants, such as
toxic tourism,
voluntourism or
The first reading is by a scholar named Phaedra Pezullo, who wrote a fantastic book on toxic tourism.
Here she discusses tourism in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
The second reading is a choice of either:
this New York Times piece on a gang tour in Los Angeles
this audio-tour project by an artist collective in the UK
What I think is useful to discuss here, is the (attempt at the) production of tourist experiences that have intentions
other than simple leisure or play. In fact, they have explicit aims to take on subjects that are explicitly difficult, while fully embracing some traditional ideas of touristic experience, such as sightseeing and narrative guides.
Don't worry about posting anything in the forum, just have some thought and questions in response and ready for discussion.
*Also, remember to have some sketchy plans for your final project and how some materialization (a tool, set of instruction, some kind of "pointing" device) can be produced for our "kit."
That tomorrow we'll be discussing everyone's response to the prompt to look "beyond" a boundary in some way. This could be in keeping with the boundaries of C-U (or related spatial understandings of "this place") that everyone addressed last week, or they can also bring in an additional understanding of a different border or boundary. The important thing is that we're looking at boundaries as delineations of an interior-exterior, known-unknown dialectic and proposing ways to learn, know or encounter what is "outside."
As we discussed in class last week, everyone (either as individuals or a small group) will bring in a response to the boundary that defines C-U. No format restrictions and no set definition for the boundary that you should respond to.
We'll use these as a way to further our discussions of final projects.
Some related links (via artists that once inhabited C-U):
Nick Brown's
Champaign Grid Tours (2003) &
One Square Mile (2003)
Bonnie Fortune's
Metropolitan Habitat (2011 - not in C-U)